Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hell High Remix

Hell High AKA Raging Fury
79 Minutes

Hell High Remix featuring an epilogue by Thunderclap & Cheesecake
38 Minutes

Shot in 1986 but not released until 1989, almost two years after star Christopher Stryker died of AIDS. Unfortunately, this was his only film. He plays the bad ass Dickens, the sinister student who will not take shit from you or anyone. And he'll throw a hot dog at you to prove it. And kiss the quarterback's girlfriend right in front of him. That's right. Dickens don't give a shit.

This movie is truly unique and original. I actually feel kinda bad for remixing it. However, even at 79 minutes, it's still a little bloated. The perfect edit would be about an hour long.

Normally, I'm not a fan of commentary tracks, but check out the Hell High DVD for the commentary by Joe Bob Briggs. He's obviously a big fan and he's pretty funny.

I don't know why the DVD has 5 minutes cut out. And I don't know what was cut out. If you know, please post a comment.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Student Bodies (1981)

Student Bodies (1981) - OK, everyone agrees, this movie was way ahead of the curve. A slasher satire in 1981? But honestly this movie is really obnoxious and over-the-top. Like babysitting a kid who's diet consists of Fun Dip and Rockstar Energy Drink this movie needs a serious time out. However, there are some genius moments that really crack me up.

This was director Mickey Rose's only film, although he wrote for a ton of sitcoms like 227 and Too Close For Comfort. People really dig this movie, so give it a shot if you like the joke-every-second genre like Airplane!. (This is no Airplane!) You won't be bored, but you might groan more than laugh. Here's a remix of how it starts. Enjoy.

Friday, August 10, 2007

The Last Slumber Party

Homosexual as a derogatory term? Hell yeah, queers!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Puppet MCs

Horror Remix is proud to announce the recruitment of the best puppet MCs in the biz. We have been looking for someone to give fun facts and "what to look for" tidbits for remixed movies. Cheesecake and Thunderclap are veterans in the horror biz and have written, directed and starred in many underground horror films. Unfortunately, most of these films have yet to be release in the US. Or anywhere.

Please welcome them to the Horror Remix family!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Horror Remix Goes Live

Horror Remix is excited to announce its first public screening. It will be in Dallas, upstairs at the Cavern on Halloween night. I haven't decided what films to show. It's gotta be conducive to a loud bar, so something low on funny dialog and high on visuals (gore, t & a, and 80sness). Right now I'm thinking Rock N Roll Nightmare and Slumber Party Massacre. But who knows. Chopping Mall could work. I'll take requests...